Exclusive Training 内训课程
Champion Code is an exclusive series of course for our team. It is a practical sales training system comprises of 8 modules. It is currently the only systematic sales and marketing training course in Singapore real estate industry. With a foundation of science & art in value creation, the course aims to increase team members' sales through mindset changing, behavior transformation, and eventually a breakthrough in many areas.
《冠军密码》- 开启你的富足人生,是我为团队开设的独家中文内训课程。这是一个实用的销售培训体统,包括8个模块。该课程是目前新加坡房地产市场唯一系统化的销售和行销培训课程,旨在通过模块化渐进的训练,转变从业人员的思维模式,从而改变行为模式,用更科学,精准和有价值的方法,彻底提高销售业绩。
This course is suitable for all sales personnel, including real estate, insurance, retail, direct sales, corporate sales, financial management sales, etc. You will learn the followings from these 8 modules:
10 Basics Steps to Successful Sales
销售的10个基本功 -
10 Beliefs of Top Salespeople
行销的10大顶尖信念 -
How to Sell the Toughest Product
如何销售最难销售的产品 -
22 Steps to Absolute Closing
绝对成交的22个流程 -
10 Ultimate Sales Success Formula
成交的10大必杀绝技 -
Champion Realtor Marketing System
房地产行销系统 -
Effective Digital Marketing
团队成员反馈 Testimonials from Team Members:
Testimonial from Ryan Yu: Why I Close Consistently After Training?
" 我是以前公司的销售冠军,听了Kevin的课,我对销售的理解一下子全部融会贯通了。Kevin不亏是工科博士训练过,他非常系统的总结了有关销售的全部,用非常高效的方法教出来,真是太棒了。 "
-Christine Chen
" Kevin的销售课程真的很棒,是他十多年的宝贵经验,他非常无私的分享给了我们。Kevin的“冠军系统”课程将打破你对销售的传统观念,让你了解顶尖销售的思维模式,窥探年入百万的终极奥义,打造一个必胜系统,让你稳定输出业绩!"
-Johnson Huang
" Kevin凭借丰富的经验和多年累积的销售技巧,往往能够在课上让我看到自己在销售过程中所欠缺的东西,一针见血,刺中要害,这绝对是每一个销售人值得一听的课程,谢谢Kevin无私的分享。"
-Amy Gao
" Kevin的“冠军系统”课程不仅教会你实用的销售策略和技巧,而且在课堂风趣的提问,讨论和案例分析中让你逐渐重新思考,认识并重塑自己。如果你已经开始做起了销售却苦于业绩不佳,我建议你一定找机会和Kevin聊聊或者直接报名参加Kevin的“冠军系统”课程。我保证你一定会大有收获。 "
-Andy Yang
" Kevin老师的课给人醍醐灌顶的感觉,让我眼前一亮,激励人马上行动。老师的课不仅仅适用于房地产销售,所有的销售都可以过来学习。走出自己的安逸区,行动起来,突破自己,每天做点难的事情,你的业绩一定可以飞跃。谢谢Kevin老师。 "
-Tristan Liu
" 作为新加坡豪宅市场的真正专家, Kevin毫不犹豫地向我们传授他对市场的知识和见解。尽管新加坡的房地产市场很小,但其复杂性和动态性,再加上当今充满挑战的商业环境,意味着作为房地产经纪人在其中成功是艰难的,必须要具备必要的系统,策略,技能和实力才能脱颖而出。 "
-Ryan Yu
" 一开始我以为只是普通的营销行销课程,上完之后我明白Kevin在用他十多年的所知所得倾囊相授的来造冠军团队,也是上完课程我才了解到,一个成交背后所涵盖的方方面面。我觉得很荣幸能够成为冠军系统的学员,也会很自豪的和别人介绍说我是Kevin的学生。在这里我学到的不仅仅是销售与投资的技巧,也有做人做事的大智慧,懂得取舍,眼光长远,不断学习。我相信这些知识能让我之后的路越走越宽,越走越容易。 "
- Olivia
" Kevin的冠军系统课程让我学到了很多,可以说是目前我学到过的最好的地产销售课程。因为课程很有针对性,Kevin总结了他自己10多年地产从业的宝贵经验并且无私的分享给我们。冠军系统这个课程所带来的不仅仅是可以学习销售和营销的基本功,最大的收获是他启发你怎样思考问题的本质,从哪些方面去思考,怎样能够抛开细枝末节去挖掘问题的根本,以及应该怎样规划自己的事业和人生。他会从他超级专业的视角给我们很多很好的建议,像导师一样带领我们一起前进。衷心感谢Kevin这种无私分享的心和专业的态度。冠军系统绝对是所有地产销售值得一上的课程。 "
- Clara Wang
听众反馈 Feedback from Attendees
" I had so much takeaways from attending your online course! Thanks once again for your selfless teaching from your precious time! "
" Awesome sharing about market using investor point of view "
" Thank you for your sharing, Kevin. It was really awesome, very down to earth and constructive "
" Thank you for the great sharing, Kevin. Lots of takeaways. Loved the fish pond theory. "
" Thank you very much for your sharing. You are very knowledgeable and your opinions on economy charts are relatable and sound. I really enjoyed your sharing. "
" Thank you so much for the great session. Loved how you focus on the positive mindsets, market statistics as well as on engaging the Chinese buyers. "
" Thank you very much for your generous selfless sharing, Kevin. I think it’s very different from other sharing as you have different perspectives on the stock and property market. Your insight on Chinese buyers is great. "
" Thank you for your generous sharing. It has helped me understand more from the investor’s point of view and how the 1% change can make a difference! "
" Thanks Kevin, a great insight sharing about the property market analysis with your unbiased opinions. "
" Thank you for your sharing, Kevin. My key takeaway from your seminar is “deliberate practice”. I also like the way you structure and organize how your approach to the salesperson role from your fish pond analogy. You managed to connect it together in a very good flow, which is a testament to the amount of effort you have put into coming up with the presentation. "
Register for a one-to-one discussion with Kevin Feng to find out:
- The STEP-BY-STEPguide to SUSTAINABLE success in real estate
- Industry’s BEST sales & marketing training program
- How to build INCREMENTAL success system?
- FAST learning of latest DIGITAL MARKETING?
- How to WORK SMART and RETIRE early?